Start your day with one of our Healthy Breakfast Smoothies!
Your Colostrum Breakfast Smoothies!

Pure Delish
Combination of tasty fruit in a smoothie.
Coconut Milk, Mango, Unsweetened Nut Milk, Banana, Raspberries, Natural Yoghurt & Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Purple Passion
Wow! What a combination!
Alpha Lipid Lifeline, Avocado, Kale, Banana, Mixed Berries & Coconut Milk

Spinach Kiwifruit
Healthy combination of greens & fruit.
Water & Ice, Mango, Kiwifruit, Spinach, Banana, Alpha Lipid Lifeline, Chia Seeds & Natural Greek Yoghurt

Goodness Greens
Healthy combination of greens.
Spinach, Green Apple, Lemon, Cucumber, Mint & Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Berrylicious Protein Hit
Benefits of SD11 & Lifeline
Mixed Berries, Milk(preferred), Natural Yoghurt, LSA, Alpha Lipid SDll, Honey, & Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Twisted Strawberry Smoothie
Popular Strawberries blended.
Strawberries, Oranges, Natural Yoghurt, Water, Ice & Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Banana Power Smoothie
Bananas our favourite!
Banana, Kiwifruit, Unsweetened Greek Yoghurt, Unsweetened Nut milk, Manuka or Raw Honey, Ginger & Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Very Berry Coconut Storm
The Perfect Breakfast Smoothie.
Banana, Raspberries, Coconut Milk & Alpha Lipid Lifeline

Tropical Tornado
Perfect Combination for Energy.
Mango, Pineapple, Orange Juice & Alpha Lipid Lifeline
A combination of Recipes for your Colostrum Breakfast Smoothie or Drink.
Use your imagination with our suggested ingredients to add